1 Páginas similares a Synthetix.io


Synthetix is a derivatives liquidity protocol providing the backbone for derivatives trading in DeFi, allowing anyone, anywhere to gain on-chain exposure to a vast range of assets.

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Polo's Bastards | Going where we ain't suppose to. polosbastards.com

Going where we ain't suppose to.

Tags: ProtocolExposure
Keywords analizadas
Volume Vast Trading Synthe­tix Staking Stakers Rewarded Range Provi­ding Protocol Powering Perps Per­pe­tual Per­mission­less Locked Liqui­dity In­terfa­ce Go­ver­nan­ce Futures Fees Exposure Explore E­cosystem Derivati­ves Defi Decentrali­zed Col­late­ral Chain Backbone Allowing