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SUN | First integrated platform for stablecoin swap, stake-mining and self-governance on TRON

SUN is first integrated platform for stablecoin swap, stake-mining and self-governance on TRON.The stablecoin swap pool of the platform enables the swap between USDT, USDJ and TUSD. And platform will launch plans such as token mining and platform self-governing so as to offer more rights and benefits to the community. SUN是波场首家集稳定币兑换质押挖矿及自治一体化平台平台稳定币兑换池支持 USDTUSDJ 及 TUSD 之间的兑换同时平台还支持代币挖矿平台自治等功能将更多的权益开放给社区

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Keywords analizadas
Usdt Usdj Tusd Tron Token Swap Sun Stake Stab­le­coin Self Run Pool Platform Plans Need Mining Launch Ja­vascript In­teg­ra­ted Go­ver­ning Go­ver­nan­ce First Enables Enable App