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Sorain Cecchini Tecno | Home page

Sorain Cecchini Tecno - SCT - is a leader in the design and construction of mechanical and biological waste treatment, materials recovery, compost and RDF production facilities and for the transformation of RDF into energy. To date, SCT has patented the proprietary Biomax composting technology and the integrated FullCirce treatment system.

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Keywords analizadas
Waste Urbani Treat­ment Tecno Sorain Solidi Sctecno Sct Rsu Rifiuti Riciclo Recovery Rdf Raccolta Meccani­co Italy Gruppo Gas­sificazio­ne Fullcircle Energy Differen­zia­ta Design Construction Com­postag­gio Compost Com­bus­tibi­le Cecchini Cdr Biomax Biologi­co