2 Páginas similares a Publiccode.eu

Public Money, Public Code

Public Money, Public Code - A campaign for releasing publicly financed software as Free Software

Popularidad de la página:
17 puntos

Idioma: Inglés

XACT Systems Composting Home - XACT Systems Composting xactsystemscomposting.com

Composting technology that allows you to reach to the future of composting with an automated, accelerated and accurate process. In-Vessel Composting systems and Drum Composting Technology.

Tags: PublicSoftware

Desde el País de Alicia desdeelpaisdealicia.blogspot.com

Tags: CodeOpen
Keywords analizadas
Xnet Sudan Spread Source Software Requi­ring Publico Publicly Pub­licco­de Public Pmpc Petition Open Money Member Licence Letter Legis­la­tion Korea Free Foss Foi Floss Financed Edri Congo Codigo Code Campaign Ad­ministra­tion