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The 1 A.i. Computer Vision Postural App for Exercise & Movement Analysis, Percent Body Fat, BMI, BMR Screening Software Available on Apple iPad, iPhone, and Android

PostureScreen Mobile, the most popular and gold standard in pro postural analysis software with Computer Vision A.I. with Augmented Reality assisted evaluation screening software for Chiropractors, therapists, and fitness professionals. Postural, Body Fat, Waist to Hip Ratio, percent body fat, Body Composition, Exercise prescription and movement screening software. PostureRay is x-ray Analysis EHR with A.I. Computer vision enabled computerized mensuration analysis for Biomechanical assessment .

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Keywords analizadas
Vision Techni­que Software Scree­ning Reality Ray Profes­sio­nals Pos­tu­rescreen Pos­ture­ray Posture Postural Movement Mobile Leanscreen Iphone Ipad Functio­nal Fitness Fat Exercise Evalua­tion Computer Chi­rop­ractic Body Avai­lab­le Aug­men­ted Apple App Android Analysis