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My PhotoSpace BA | My name is Horacio, but everybody calls me Tati. I live in Adrogué, Buenos Aires, Argentina. Last year I discovered photography and it soon became a passion engraved in my daily life. I've learnt to see things from a different angle; things which used to go unnoticed now look different to me. I focus them with my camera and imagine them hanging on a wall. I hope some day I can look at my pictures in amazement as now I do when I look at pictures through the eyes of other photographers.

My name is Horacio, but everybody calls me Tati. I live in Adrogué, Buenos Aires, Argentina. Last year I discovered photography and it soon became a passion engraved in my daily life. I've learnt to see things from a different angle; things which used to go unnoticed now look different to me. I focus them with my camera and imagine them hanging on a wall. I hope some day I can look at my pictures in amazement as now I do when I look at pictures through the eyes of other photographers.

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Year Wordpress Used Things Tati Soon Share See Pictures Photos­pa­ce Pho­tog­raphy Passion Name Look Live Life Learnt Horacio E­verybody Engraved Dis­cove­red Diffe­rent Daily Calls Buenos Ba Ar­gen­ti­na Angle Aires Adrogue