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Home | Kubota Membrane Europe

KUBOTA Membrane Europe Ltd, a subsidiary company of KUBOTA Corporation, is a leading supplier of membrane systems for advanced wastewater treatment and regeneration. Our aim is to provide society with high-quality, reliable clean technology which remains simple and reduces running costs. KUBOTA Submerged Membrane Unit has been since the 90s employed in numerous sewage and industrial wastewater treatment plants all over the world as part of the Membrane Biological Reactor (MBR) process.

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Idioma: Inglés

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Pour les Amoureux de Montmartre sans oublier les voyages lointains, l'île d'Oléron, les chats de tous les jours. Pour les amis inconnus et les poètes.

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Keywords analizadas
Weftec Water Was­tewa­ter Unit Treat­ment Techno­logy Sub­mer­ged Solu­tions Simple Reuse Read Reactor Quality Porlock Plants Munici­pal Membrane Mbr Magnetic Ltd Leading Kubota Ifat Fenasan Ex­hibi­ting Europe Energy Cor­pora­tion Collini Bmr