3 Páginas similares a Iea-gia.org

IEA Geothermal | International Energy Agency, Geothermal Energy, Sustainable Geothermal Use

The International Energy Agency Geothermal Implementing Agreement (IEA-GIA), or IEA Geothermal, provides an important framework for wide-ranging international cooperation in geothermal R&D. Efforts concentrate on encouraging, supporting and advancing the sustainable development and use of geothermal energy worldwide both for power generation and direct-heat applications.

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Tags: GiaAgreement
Keywords analizadas
Yasukawa Thermal Sus­tai­nab­le Surface Roots Research Pub­lica­tions Provides Or­ganisa­tion Members Kasumi Jiwa In­ter­natio­nal Imple­men­ting Impacts Iea Heating Gns Gia Geot­her­mal Frame­work Forge En­vi­ronmen­tal Energy Emerging Cooperati­ve Com­mit­tee Capabili­ties Ag­ree­ment Agency