1 Páginas similares a Ibelieveinunicorns.com

I Believe in Unicorns | Official Website | A film by Leah Meyerhoff

Davina is an imaginative and strong-willed teenage girl who often escapes into a beautifully twisted fantasy life. Having grown up quickly as the sole caretaker of her disabled mother, she looks for salvation in a new relationship with an older boy. Davina is swept into a whirlwind of romance and adventure, but the enchantment of her new relationship quickly fades when Sterling's volatile side begins to emerge. I Believe in Unicorns takes us on a road trip through the stunning and complex landscape of trou

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Idioma: Inglés

National Geographic En Español - National Geographic en Español ngenespanol.com

Sitio oficial de National Geographic en Español - Fotografía, ciencia, espacio, naturaleza, viajes. Inspiración para cuidar el planeta.

Tags: BelieveUnicorns
Keywords analizadas
Willed Website Unicorns Twisted Trailer Teenage Strong Sole Sal­va­tion Rela­tionship Quickly Older Official Mother Me­yer­hoff Looks Leah In­de­pen­dent Imaginati­ve Grown Film Feature Escapes Disabled Davina Careta­ker Boy Bios Believe Beau­tifully