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EurObserv'ER | Measures the progress made by renewable energies European Union

Since 1998, The EurObserv'ER barometer measures the progress made by renewable energies in each sector and in each member State of the European Union in an as up-to-date way as possible (with figures less than 12 months old). EurObserv'ER produces a series of figure-backed indicators covering energetic, technological and economic dimensions.

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Tags: UnionMade
Keywords analizadas
Web­visi­tors Union Ther­modynami­que Solide Solar Sector Res Renouve­lab­les Rene­wab­le Progress Pompes Photovol­tai­que Months Member Measures Made Eurostat European Eu­rob­serv Eolien Energy Energies Download Biomasse Biogaz Biofuels Baro­met­res Baro­met­re Barome­ters Barome­ter