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The official home of EmberSwap. EmberSwap is a community governed decentralized exchange, providing liquidity and enabling peer-to-peer transactions on the smartBCH Network. Whether you want to swap, farm, stake or just hold, EmberSwap is the DEX for you. EmberSwap breaks up and delivers the mostefficent route for any financial instrument on smartBCH.

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Keywords analizadas
Whitebit Stake Smarts­can Smartbch Sbch Safe­moonfork Peer Mues­lis­wap Just In­cinera­te Hold Governed Firedex Fire Etherium Em­berswap Emberdex Ember Dogecoin Doge Dex Defi Decentrali­zed Com­mu­nity Coin­market­cap Coin­mar­ket Coin­ge­cko Cash Bur­no­mics Bitcoin