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E. Alana James Artwork - E. Alana James Artwork

Dr. E. Alana James is reinventing herself again! Coming full circle to the first love of her life - art - and bringing back to her images all the lessons of her life as author, researcher, academic and wife. Concerned mostly with the idea of images as vehicles for expression of the truth of our inner and outer life experience.

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Idioma: Inglés

Celebració XX Concurs Exposició de Pintura al Passeig de Sant Joan, obert a tothom concursdepintura.blogspot.com

Tags: ArtworkFirst
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Zappa Works Time Subscri­be Spiri­tual Quilt Purcha­sed Portraits Monthly Life James Images Fre­quently First Faqs Ealanaja­mes Eaj Dis­cus­ses Contact Com­mis­sions Com­mis­sion Chrono­logy Back Attached Artwork Artist Art Archived Alana Aging